« 2015
2017 »

- Little James Island
- There's a difference between crows and blackbirds
- This is MY marshmallow.
Not YOUR marshmallow. MY marshmallow. - Eater of Marshmallows
- Root and Island
Massive tree washed up at La Push, Washington. - First Beach
- Wood and Cabins
- Darklove
- Quileute Oceanside Resort
- Driftwood near James Island
- The Lovers
- James Island
- Sea Stack
- Sea of Wood
- Beach Palisade
- Sign of the Goat
- Little James Island
- Jetty and James Island
- Sea Rock
- Big Rocks
- Iron asterisk
- Eagle in Tree
Young bald eagle (about 1-2 years) - Forks (1945)
- Forks Timber Museum
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks...
- Slugs for the Slug God!
Banana slug, about 4-5 inches, Hoh rainforest. - Rocks for my bed
La Push, Washington - Mount Storm King
Mount Storm King at Lake Crescent - Sourdough Mountain, Lake Crescent
- Lake Crescent and Pyramid Mountain
Looking north across Lake Crescent at Pyramid Mountain. Mount Storm King is in the distance, right of center, and Aurora Peak rises on the right side of the frame. Panorama merge from 9 images, 18mm (crop sensor; 27mm equiv). Field of view is about 200 degrees. - Lake Crescent
Looking west, towards Fairholme. - Lake Crescent Lay-By
Looking west towards Fairholme. - Crumbly Crescent Cliff
Cliff adjacent to Lake Crescent. Netting has been put up to slow erosion. - Grain goes to China
- Nosmo King
- Containers in Seattle
- Olympic Sculpture Park
- Smith Tower, 1914.
(2016 photo, made to look old in post-processing) - Shikoku Island visits Seattle
- Beware of Propeller. Beware!
- Blue Cranes
- Mister Crowley
- Things that are white
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle