- You crows get off my crane!
- Wonder Bread
- This is Not a Tea Pot
- The pointed end
- The Parliament of Trees
- the night
- Stevens Peak
- Shilshole
- Rugged
- Roosevelt Hotel
- Roadhouse
- Red Sun at Rainier
- rainier fly agaric
- Paradise
- Nisqually-Paradise Road
- Never Again is Now
- moon viewing
- Moon over Seattle
- Mike's Chili Parlor
- Matthew Island
- Low Visibility at 520 Feet
- Leinenkugels
- Kittitas Valley
- Kenmore Lanes
- Keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.
- Just a tree
- Jay, walking
- Inversion
- I'm just a boy, standing in front of a corpseflower, asking it to open for me.
- Hotel Theodore
- Edgewater
- Eagle Peak
- Departure
- Day of Mourning
- Dark Snoqualmie
- Cowiche Canyon
- Christine Falls (Upper Drop)
- Can't a guy just eat his fish?
- Cafe Mecca
- Box Canyon
- Behind dark cloud
- Baldy
- Awe
- Artificial Eclipse
- A little bit of Mount Rainier, from not very far away