- Rainier from Sunrise
- Beach Logs Kill
- Pyramid
- Moonrise
- Ninety
- #tagging is a #felony
- Two ships in the night
- Cascade Creek
- First Beach, La Push
- A space needle from not very far away
- Cavalryman
- Aviatrix 1901
- Kalaloch Beach, Olympic National Park
- Miner's Landing
- Blue Funnel Line
- Cranemaking squad
- Officer
- Chinatown Gate
- Kalaloch Tree Cave
- Eastern Kingbird
- In the Service of the Emperor
- King Street Station
- Welcome to Twin Peaks
- Land, mirrored
- We all fish from here
- James Island, La Push
- Beware of Propeller. Beware!
- South Rocks
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Container Ship Maersk Semakau
- Ten Ten
- Turbines
- Egan's
- Eagles' Dome
- Add Bardahl
- My Dinner with Bruce
- Mike's Chili Parlor
- Alders and the rain
- Morning at Kautz Creek
- Seal of Goon Dip
- Edgewater
- Peaceful sea (Pacific)
- Falls Creek Falls
- Firs for the fir god!
- Soot-black tower
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Kalaloch Beach, Olympic National Park
- Mothback Carpetsweeper
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Cold morning at Pier 66