- Last Day of 2017
- This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks.
- Caproni Ca.20
- Just another lunar module.
- ...of all the alpine gardens
- Astronaut Anderson
- Ruby waters
- Four Seas and Golden West
- Give it a Whirl
- Golden West Hotel
- Golden West Hotel
- Chong Wa Benevolent Association (1929)
- RAF Frame
- The smaller part of Cascade Falls
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Gas Works
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
- Cascade Falls
- Gas Works
- Cedar Waxwing
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Louise Lake, Mount Rainier National Park
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Mighty engines
- Murhut Falls 2017
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Cool Mist
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Kalaloch Tree of Life
- Soyuz TMA-14
- Top of Cascade Falls
- Wet Rocks
- Silent sentinels
- Falls Creek Campground
- Olympic Keyhole
- Falls Creek Falls
- Falls Creek Falls
- Only you can read this sign
- Top of Cascade Falls
- Top of the Pine
- Cascade Creek
- Falls Creek Falls
- Falls Creek Falls
- Falls Creek Falls
- Falls Creek Campground
- Kalaloch Beach, Olympic National Park
- Firs for the fir god!