- #tagging is a #felony
- 101 Auto Body
- a little goes a long way
- Alki Spud
- Alps Hotel
- Angels 2019
- Black Angus
- Black Angus
- Buddha of the Sidewalk
- Carroll's Clock
- Dexter Horton Building
- Eastern Hotel
- Fluckinger Machine Works
- Georgetown Hat and Boots
- Great Bird of the Viaduct
- Guild 45th
- Guild 45th
- Guild 45th
- Guild II
- Hoge Building
- La Hacienda Motel
- Malt House
- Marco Polo Saloon
- Miner's Landing
- New Richmond Hotel
- Night at Union Station
- Night Hawks (Seattle)
- No Linen
- Northern Pacific Hotel Lobby
- Plague Inside
- Puetz Golf
- Rankos Drugs
- Seattle Neon Book!
- Shhhhhhhh... GEORGETOWN
- Stadium
- Stadium High School
- The Elks' Old Hangout
- Troy Laundry
- University Inn
- University Seafood & Poultry
- West Seattle Brake Service
- Westside Barber Shop