- blue birb
Lego models and NASA lava lamp and LED light. - Mothback Carpetsweeper
Araneus diadematus, cross orb weaver aka European garden spider. (Alternative species name contributed by "Strange Planet" creator Nathan W. Pyle) - North Shore Pub
- Solitude
- Unsecret squirrel
- Murder in the park
These crows were watching ducks tearing at a loaf of bread, desperate to get their share, but as the bread was in the water the ducks had the advantage. - Spider & snack
- Red tree at night, lamp post's delight
- Kenmore Lanes
Founded 1958, date of neon unknown. With 50 lanes, this is the largest bowling center north of Reno and west of the Mississippi. - Kenmore CIty Hall
- Land near the rusty thing
- Orange Onlooker
- City Light