- Day of Mourning
- Rainier and clouds
- Top of Snoqualmie Falls
- Snoqualmie in the mist
Salish Lodge and Snoqualmie Falls, as seen about 9 am, before the morning mist clears. - Two Posts Before the Falls
Posts at the start of the trail to Murhut Falls - Mount Storm King
Mount Storm King at Lake Crescent - Taller than the average fir
Douglas Firs on the Olympic Peninsula - Lake Crescent
Looking west, towards Fairholme. - Snow in May? You must be mad!
WA-123, Mount Rainier National park, about 3800 feet. - Reach for the Sky
Douglas Firs on the Olympic Peninsula - Dougie Dougie Fir Fir
Douglas Firs on the Olympic Peninsula - Sourdough Mountain, Lake Crescent
- Myrtle Edwards Park
- Lake Crescent Lay-By
Looking west towards Fairholme. - Crumbly Crescent Cliff
Cliff adjacent to Lake Crescent. Netting has been put up to slow erosion. - Road around rock
- Skookum Falls
- Through the Mountain
Tunnel through Seymour Peak, about 3800 feet, WA-123 near Mount Rainier National Park - Skookum Falls and White River
- Tavern Sasquatch
Naches Tavern, Enumclaw Washingto - In pieces on the ground
On the Olympic Peninsula - Awe
- Three sticks, three streams
On the Olympic Peninsula - Earth, Wood, Water
On the Olympic Peninsula - Murhut at the base
On the Olympic Peninsula - Murhut Falls, 130 foot drop
On the Olympic Peninsula - Road to Rainier
- Big Pipes
Hydroelectric power station at Snoqualmie Falls - Mountain Caravan
- Mountain Snow
- White River