- Kitsap Lake Drive-in Theatre (relocated)
At the KR Trigger building, Seattle - blue birb
Lego models and NASA lava lamp and LED light. - Mothback Carpetsweeper
Araneus diadematus, cross orb weaver aka European garden spider. (Alternative species name contributed by "Strange Planet" creator Nathan W. Pyle) - North Shore Pub
- Solitude
- Unsecret squirrel
- Murder in the park
These crows were watching ducks tearing at a loaf of bread, desperate to get their share, but as the bread was in the water the ducks had the advantage. - Spider & snack
- Seattle Cinerama
These signs were removed in September 2023, as the former Seattle Cinerama (closed for three years) was sold, becoming SIFF Cinema. SIFF (Seattle Independent Film Festival) were unable to use the Cinerama name due to a trademark. - Red tree at night, lamp post's delight
- Kenmore Lanes
Founded 1958, date of neon unknown. With 50 lanes, this is the largest bowling center north of Reno and west of the Mississippi. - Kenmore CIty Hall
- Land near the rusty thing
- Orange Onlooker
- City Light