- The pointed end
- Keep your eye upon the doughnut, and not upon the hole.
- The Cage atop Seattle
- Fortress of Solitude
- The Fallen One
- Solitude
- Gorilla nap
- I'm just a boy, standing in front of a corpseflower, asking it to open for me.
- Chihuly Ceiling
- #WeGotThisSeattle
- Winthrop Hotel 1925
- Over Pioneer Square
- Almost Home
- Angels 2019
- Crystal Tower
- Snoqualmie Falls
- Stairway to Surface
- Renslow Trestle Bridge
- Before the Falls
- Narada Falls
- Saint James
- Turbines
- Marco Polo Saloon
- Groundhog Day
- La Hacienda Motel
- Angels Above
- Seattle Can be Saved... by Steam!
- Winthrop Hotel
- Fat Albert
- Christmaspaceneedle