- South Falls
- Moon and Needle 2016
- Can't a guy just eat his fish?
- Nightfall
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Over Pioneer Square
- Under the Stairs
- Guild 45th
- Bar Underground
- Immigration station
- Lake Crescent
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Snow in May? You must be mad!
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Hoh River
- Zig Zag
- Dark Snoqualmie
- Sheriff's Department (Twin Peaks)
- Pine
- Winthrop Hotel 1925
- 2016
- Louisa Hotel Lobby
- Puget's Gold II
- Teeth of the Coulee
- Nuke the site from orbit.
- Birth of a crane
- Myrtle Falls, Mount Rainier
- South Falls
- Dim Sum Daily
- Station Lamp
- #WeGotThisSeattle
- Above and Beyond
- Top of Myrtle Falls
- Teacup
- Comet Lodge Cemetery
- In the Rookery
- Grand Coulee
- Astronaut School
- Difference of Eighty Years
- Excellence
- Thinking of my father
- Mirror-Kirk
- Perhaps I am not as stupid as I am ugly.
- Fish eater
- Wood owl
- Mercenary
- Troy Laundry
- Grand Coulee
- 111 Yesler