- 2016
- 2016
- 2016
- 2016
- Above Silver Falls
- All Trees Go to Heaven
- Angel of the Morning
- Apl Le Havre, Singapore
- Atop the ridge
- Beaver Lake
- Between a rock and a vertical place
- Beware of Propeller. Beware!
- Big Burst
- Blue Cranes
- Boat full of light
- Bridge Over Laughingwater Creek
- Cape Flattery
- Cape Flattery
- Cape Flattery Light
- Center of the Universe
- Choppy McChopperface
- Cold hearted orb
- Containers
- Containers in Seattle
- Edge of America
- Elevator exposed
- Forest Swirly
- Grain goes to China
- Immovable and Movable
- Kerry Park Evening Time Lapse
- Kerry Park Infrared
- Last Rocks before Canada
- Laughingwater Creek
- Laughingwater Creek
- Mister Crowley
- MOL Generosity
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- MV Doc Maynard, water taxi
- Night Cranes
- Nosmo King
- Olympic Sculpture Park
- Pacific Science
- Parallels
- Perhaps I am not as stupid as I am ugly.
- Pink Needle awaits New Year
- Port of Seattle
- River of Light
- Sea Caves
- Seaspan Dalian, Hong Kong