- Gom Jabbar
- The Camlin
- 1926
- The Quiet Ones
- Cold morning at Pier 66
- Field Caryatids
- Damen
- Renslow Trestle Bridge
- Turbines
- The Fallen One
- Georgia State Capitol
- To Concourse
- Octolamp
- Egan's
- Panama Hotel
- Of course
- Windows on the Palouse
- Chasing light
- Uniontown Co-Op Assn
- Emerald Dawn
- Ray's on the water
- Sailors' Delight
- Look to the West
- Moon over Ballard
- Angels Above
- The Floor is Glass! The Floor is Glass!
- Nisqually-Paradise Road
- Queen Maude I on the Throne of Down
- Bardahl is Dark
- Hong Kong
- Eagles' Dome
- Seattle Aerie No.1