- To the upper deck
- Tunnel to Shuttle
- Press Here to Rescue Astronauts
- Airlock
- Buddha in the Seattle Landscape
- Open the cargo bay doors
- Keep Portland Weird
- Astronaut School
- South Falls
- South Falls
- Fish eye kitty
- Metallic
- This is not a Space Shuttle.
- Cape Flattery Light
- Take back one kadam to honor the Hebrew God, whose Ark this is.
- Watery Cave
- Witnessing the dawn
- The Head
- Ninety
- Men at work
- Mighty engines
- Vista House and Beacon Rock
- Chicago
- Cape Flattery
- Cape Flattery
- Sea Caves
- Last Rocks before Canada
- Willamette Falls
- Beaver Lake
- Night at the Robey
- Edge of America