- you can always go (over) downtown
- top of glacier peak
- Chihuly Ceiling
- Winthrop Hotel 1925
- Winthrop Hotel
- Crystal Tower
- Angels 2019
- Tacoma Municipal Building
- Municipal Building, Tacoma
- Bostwick Building
- Bostwick Building
- Rankos Drugs
- Stadium High School
- Stadium
- Dexter Horton Building
- Louisa Hotel Lobby
- Buddha of the Pizza Parlor
- Buddha of the Lobby
- Moon over Ballard
- It's a Hudson, and it's wet.
- Dead Inside
- Decline: Within
- Decline
- This is the forest primeval, the murmuring pines and the hemlocks.
- Puget's Gold II
- Ruby Beach, at the end of the day
- Ruby waters
- Puget's Gold
- South Rocks
- Land, mirrored
- Peaceful sea (Pacific)
- Cavalryman
- In the Service of the Emperor
- Officer
- Cloud Saint Helens
- Rainier resident
- Eagle and Tumtum
- Inspiration Point
- Narada Falls
- Eagle, between the trees
- Alpha Happiness
- that orange sound
- Lake Crescent and Pyramid Mountain