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Lake Quinault Spruce

flickr-33298183273.jpg Murhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earthMurhut Falls 2017ThumbnailsSoft water, cold water, falling to the earth

World's Largest Spruce tree - Sitka Spruce at Lake Quinault, Washington. 191 ft high, 58ft circumference, about 1000 years old.


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