- ...of all the alpine gardens
- A spot of colour
- Alaska 737
- Alpha Happiness
- Apl Le Havre, Singapore
- Archie McPhee
- Beware of Propeller. Beware!
- Blue Cranes
- Boom.
- Buckaroo Tavern
- Buddha of the Lobby
- Buddha of the Pizza Parlor
- Christine Falls
- Cloud Saint Helens
- Comet Lodge Cemetery
- Comet Lodge Cemetery
- Containers
- Containers in Seattle
- Cool Mist
- Cranebird
- Eagle and Tumtum
- Eagle, between the trees
- Earl handles the cargo
- East of Mount Baker
- Falls Creek Falls
- Falls Creek Falls (Rainier)
- Fortress of Coffee World Domination
- From Sunrise Point, the Mountain
- Fryingpan Creek to Banshee Peak
- Fryingpan Creek to Banshee Peak
- Glaciers in Moonlight
- Going Nowhere Solo
- Goldenrod Showboat (1909-2017)
- Grain goes to China
- In the blasted zone
- Inspiration Point
- Lenticular
- Little Tahoma
- Little Tahoma
- Look at me, I'm on a ridge.
- Look to the West
- Louisa Hotel Lobby
- Louise Lake
- Louise Lake, Mount Rainier National Park
- May Thai, Wallingford
- McNeeley Peak
- McNeeley Peak
- McNeeley Peak
- McNeeley Peak
- Mister Crowley