- Inspiration Point
- South from Sunrise Point
- Palisades Lakes Trail
- Sunrise Point
- Mount Adams (from Rainier)
- Alaska 737
- Smith & Sun
- ...of all the alpine gardens
- Sourdough Ridge
- A spot of colour
- Rainbow Sherbet (Seattle)
- Seaspan Dalian, Hong Kong
- Containers
- Seaspan Dalian, Port of Seattle
- Port of Seattle
- Things that are white
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- Mister Crowley
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- Apl Le Havre, Singapore
- Containers in Seattle
- SSA Terminals
- East of Mount Baker
- Louise Lake, Mount Rainier National Park
- Cool Mist
- Sourdough Ridge Peak
- Snoqualmie Falls on a July Evening
- put out my hand and touched the face of god
- Alpha Happiness
- Cranebird
- Little Tahoma
- Little Tahoma
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- The North Face
- Eagle and Tumtum
- The North Face
- top of glacier peak
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- Morning at Kautz Creek
- My Dinner with Bruce
- Beware of Propeller. Beware!
- Rainier from Sunrise
- Earl handles the cargo
- Shikoku Island visits Seattle
- From Sunrise Point, the Mountain