- 1926
- A spot of colour
- Among the living
- Anacortes
- Anticipation
- Aplomado falcon
- Bagley Lakes
- Bagley Lakes
- Bagley Lakes
- Bagley Lakes
- Bagley Lakes
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Baker
- Banks Lake
- Beast of Kings
- Borg
- Butte and St. Andrew
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- Captain
- Courage.
- Cowiche Canyon
- Deep Space Nine
- Double crested cormorant
- Double crested cormorant
- Dry Falls (Panorama)
- Dry Falls in rain
- Dry Falls Lake
- Excelsior
- Fish eater
- Fish eater
- Frank Poole Goes Forth
- From Sunrise Point, the Mountain
- Fryingpan Creek to Banshee Peak
- Fryingpan Creek to Banshee Peak
- Glaciers in Moonlight
- Going Nowhere Solo
- Gom Jabbar
- Gorilla nap
- Grand Coulee
- Grand Coulee
- Grand Coulee
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Help me, Doctor Zaius