- Moonrise
- Emerald Island in Lake Wenatchee
- Emerald Island
- Top of the Pine
- Cedar Waxwing
- Eastern Kingbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Leaf and River
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
- It kinda looks like him
- Rocky Reach Dam
- Night Falls on Lincoln Rock
- Robin on a post
- Lake Entiat
- Turtle Rock Island
- Lake Chelan
- Butte and St. Andrew
- Missoula Flood Deposit
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Looking up
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Steamboat Rock State Park
- No Warning Signs
- Steamboat Rock
- Above us, Osprey
- Teeth of the Coulee
- Grand Coulee
- Banks Lake
- Grand Coulee
- Grand Coulee
- Dry Falls Lake
- Dry Falls (Panorama)
- Dry Falls in rain
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- Soap Lake
- Soap Lake
- Soap Lake
- Pine
- Turtle Rock Island
- Turtle Rock Island
- Lincoln Rock and Swakane Canyon
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- New Cone and Old
- Marmot
- Lincoln Rock State Park