- Bostwick Building
- Municipal Building, Tacoma
- Tacoma Municipal Building
- Bostwick Building
- Winthrop Hotel
- Winthrop Hotel 1925
- Chihuly Ceiling
- Crystal Tower
- Tacoma Union Station
- The Elks' Old Hangout
- Stadium High School
- Stadium
- Rankos Drugs
- Hoge Building
- Dexter Horton Building
- Radiant
- Emerald Dawn
- Liberty Butte
- Chasing light
- Uniontown Co-Op Assn
- Windows on the Palouse
- Washington Stands With Ukraine
- This Old House
- Dead Inside
- Decline
- Decline: Within
- Of course
- It's a Hudson, and it's wet.
- she plays ever on
- Over Lower Queen Anne
- Seattle Pride 2017
- Learning to Crow
- Missionary's Downfall
- Crumbly Crescent Cliff
- Lake Crescent Lay-By
- Lake Crescent
- Lake Crescent and Pyramid Mountain
- Sourdough Mountain, Lake Crescent
- Mount Storm King
- Rocks for my bed
- Slugs for the Slug God!
- This is the forest primeval. The murmuring pines and the hemlocks...
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Hoh River
- Forks Timber Museum
- Forks (1945)