- a little goes a long way
- Panama Hotel
- Friday the 13th
- Rankos Drugs
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Cool Mist
- Alki Spud
- Insert Cars Here
- Turtle Rock Island
- Damen on the Blue Line
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Nooksack Ridge
- Elwha River
- Soft water, cold water, falling to the earth
- Aldrin's Armour
- Baker
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Roozengaarde
- Painter of Tulips
- Fluckinger Machine Works
- Murhut Falls 2017
- Latourell Falls
- Mighty engines
- Seattle night
- You will be EXTERMINATED
- Immovable and Movable
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Windows on the Palouse
- Connor MacLeod (1518-1992?)
- Matthew Island
- Mount Baldy
- Valley of the Daffodil
- Vista House and Beacon Rock
- Olympic Swimming Pool
- Tulips 2017
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- No Linen
- First Beach, La Push WA
- Sancta Maria Angelorum
- Soap Lake
- Lake Quinault Spruce
- Fremont Bridge
- James Island, La Push WA
- First Beach, La Push WA
- Louise Lake, Mount Rainier National Park
- Northern Pacific Hotel Lobby
- Courage.
- East of Mount Baker
- Seattle Lighting
- Red Mill