- Under the Rainbow
- Fish eater
- Fish eater
- Watching and listening
- Among the living
- Double crested cormorant
- Double crested cormorant
- Water's edge
- No one lives there
- Burned down, fell over, then sank into the swamp
- Heron on the Rocks
- Lord of the Swinomish
- I'm ready for my close-up
- Was it something we said?
- Do the eagles have large talons?
- Rocky takeoff
- Flight
- Blue Heron
- Blue Heron
- Boat before warehouse
- Towards open waters
- Rainbow Bridge after dark
- Hotel Planter, La Conner 1907
- Wood owl
- Over Swinomish Channel
- Rainbow Bridge
- Something escaped
- We float, Georgie
- Green wood
- Up the ladder to the roof