- West Seattle Seagull
- Under the Boardwalk, Down by the Sea
- blue birb
- Gom Jabbar
- Last light on the beach
- Archer
- General from another time
- Aurora Bridge
- Emits Showers of Sparks
- Thin steel grid between me and death
- Mercenary
- Teacup
- Fremont Bridge, Aurora Bridge
- 1926
- Rainier Tower From Not Very Far Away
- The Camlin
- Addiction (2017)
- Slugs for the Slug God!
- coyote
- Musician for the Afterlife
- Municipal Building, Tacoma
- Columbia rocks
- Bostwick Building
- Wild Horses on the Columbia
- Bostwick Building
- Tacoma Municipal Building
- I am Seattle (Magenta)
- Last Day of 2017