- My heart burns there too
- Soap Lake
- Bostwick Building
- Dry Falls Lake
- City Hall
- Little James Island
- Calling the Healing Waters (Soap Lake)
- Never Again is Now
- Rush Hour (December)
- Sunset on James Island
- Beaver Falls
- Wild Horses on the Columbia
- Containers in Seattle
- SSA Terminals
- Apl Le Havre, Singapore
- Red Winged Blackbird
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- Red Winged Blackbird
- That's Some Ceiling
- Shanty Tavern
- Mister Crowley
- Some Boats
- MSC Nerissa in the Port of Seattle
- Inversion
- Arctic Club Dome
- Northwest Tower
- Things that are white
- Port of Seattle
- Mount Constance Sunset
- Seaspan Dalian, Port of Seattle
- Dead Inside
- Decline: Within
- Forks Totem Pole
- Cedar Waxwing
- Containers
- Owl.
- Bostwick Building
- Are you looking at me?
- Gas Works
- Seaspan Dalian, Hong Kong
- Squall at La Push
- Guild 45th
- Forks Totem Pole
- Shilshole
- Cascade Falls
- Hoge Building
- Jay, walking
- Locutus of Borg
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
- Tai Tung Chop Suey