- Bradlee Distributors
- Guild II
- Guild 45th
- Guild 45th
- Guild 45th
- Plague Inside
- Ascend
- red sky at night
- Night Hawks (Seattle)
- 101 Auto Body
- Puetz Golf
- Ray's on the water
- This Old House
- Whitman County Growers
- Swoosh
- Emerald Dawn
- Chasing light
- Uniontown Co-Op Assn
- Of course
- Windows on the Palouse
- Ripple farm
- Radio Free Steptoe
- Panama Hotel
- Octolamp
- Egan's
- To Concourse
- Great Hall of Union Station
- The trains come no more
- Spacelift nearly complete
- Bramble
- Brooklyn
- Cedar Waxwing
- Eastern Kingbird
- Violet Green Swallow
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Eastern Kingbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Leaf and River
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
- It kinda looks like him
- Rocky Reach Dam
- Night Falls on Lincoln Rock
- Robin on a post
- Lake Entiat
- Turtle Rock Island
- Lake Chelan
- Butte and St. Andrew
- Missoula Flood Deposit
- Grand Coulee Dam
- Grand Coulee Dam