- Christmas Under Glass
- Carousel in Miniature
- Great Wheel, Tiny Wheel
- Nineteen Twenty
- Roof Guardians
- Bush Garden: Sukiyaki
- Shilshole Sentinel
- Mount Shuksan
- Imperial Probe Droid on Hoth (Seattle Edition)
- Cedar Waxwing
- Violet Green Swallow
- Eastern Kingbird
- Eastern Kingbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Red Winged Blackbird
- Leaf and River
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
- It kinda looks like him
- Night Falls on Lincoln Rock
- Rocky Reach Dam
- Dry Falls in rain
- Lights Out for Chris
- Cavalryman
- In the Service of the Emperor
- Officer
- Land, mirrored
- South Rocks
- Peaceful sea (Pacific)
- Soon they will be gone
- Metallic
- Difference of Eighty Years
- Connor MacLeod (1518-1992?)
- Owl.
- All Power to the Engines
- Six thirty four
- Charcuterie and Cheese
- Lensbaby bottles
- Park here for the night
- State Hotel, Rooms 75c
- Murder in the Underground
- Creatures of the Night
- Creatures of the Night
- Creatures of the Night
- Creatures of the Night
- Creatures of the Night
- Friday the 13th