- South Falls
- Departure
- Sun Top Fire Lookout
- 2016
- Almost Home
- Walrus Corner
- Angels 2019
- Borg
- Seattle Cinerama
- After the Viaduct
- Alps Hotel
- You crows get off my crane!
- Lighthouse of Warren Place
- Taller than the average fir
- I'm ready for my close-up
- Keep Hope Alive
- Eyes on the Water
- Sailors' Delight
- Mount Storm King
- Kenmore CIty Hall
- Bagley Lakes Basalt
- Was it something we said?
- Kitsap Lake Drive-in Theatre (relocated)
- Ready for departure
- They were Mezcal
- Hoh River
- The River and I
- Partial occlusion of Jupiter
- Discovery Park
- Abe's Barber Shop
- Rocky takeoff
- Two Union
- Tatoosh Island Light House
- Cherry Blossoms
- Hoh River
- Bagley Lakes
- Stevens Peak
- Portal Gun Malfunction
- Carousel
- New Richmond Hotel
- Night Hawks (Seattle)
- Roof Guardians
- Eastern Hotel
- Fish eye kitty
- Gibbet
- MarQueen Corridor
- Dark House
- Four Seas Restaurant (1935-2017)
- Bagley Lakes
- Metallic