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- South from Sunrise Point
View from Sunrise Point, Mount Rainier National Park. Mount Adams is in the distance; in the foreground are Governors Ridge, Barrier Peak, and Tamanos Mountain. - Palisades Lakes Trail
View from Sunrise Point, Mount Rainier National Park - Sunrise Point
View from Sunrise Point, Mount Rainier National Park - Mount Adams (from Rainier)
View from Sunrise Point, Mount Rainier National Park. Barrier Peak is in the foreground. - Cedar Waxwing
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Red Winged Blackbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Red Winged Blackbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Water's edge
- Eastern Kingbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Watching and listening
- Double crested cormorant
- Double crested cormorant
- Among the living