- Abe's Barber Shop
Beacon Hill, Seattle - Bradlee Distributors
- Psychic Barber
Rick's Barber Shop - "Psychic Barber", 4845 California Ave SW, West Seattle. Originally located a few blocks south, Rick's Barber Shop was in a storefront next to a psychic. The psychic had a large neon sign reading "Psychic", with her phone number below, and when Rick added a neon sign of his own he matched the font, color, and size of his neighbor's. Side by side, in adjacent windows, they looked like "Psychic Barber" from the street. Eventually the psychic's business failed, and she simply stopped paying rent and abandoned everything in the shop. The landlord gave Rick the sign, and he relocated it (minus the phone number) above his own, so it now read "Psychic Barber" in a single window. It became a West Seattle landmark, with reporters always eager to retell the story or ask Rick for his forecast on major sporting events. Last year he moved to a new building. The window was too small for the original Psychic and Barber signs, so he mounted those on an inside wall instead, but got some new neon - red, white, and blue - for the window. Still in business, Rick's Barber Shop is temporarily closed due to the virus. There's a paper sign in the window apologizing that he didn't see this coming. - Red Mill
Red Mill Burgers, Interbay, Seattle. Established 1998. Red Mill takes its name from an older Seattle restaurant, which operated between 1937 and 1967. The two sisters of the owner of the present Red Mill had worked at the original - and brought home food for the family - so the name was chosen as a tribute. - The Pine Box (Beer Inside)
The Pine Box - a Capitol Hill bar located in an old mortuary - Troy Laundry
Rooftop neon sign from the defunct Troy Laundry in Seattle. After Amazon bought the building, they gutted it and erected a skyscraper in the shell of the old brick laundry, which now provides a covered walkway leading to the entrances of the new building. The neon sign was relocated from the rooftop to hang inside.