- Imperial Probe Droid on Hoth (Seattle Edition)
Space Needle in the fog, from five blocks away. Lingering smoke from the BC wildfires also contributes to the haze. - Emerald Island in Lake Wenatchee
- Emerald Island
Emerald Island in Lake Wenatchee - Cedar Waxwing
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Violet Green Swallow
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Eastern Kingbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Eastern Kingbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Red Winged Blackbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Red Winged Blackbird
by the Columbia River, Wenatchee WA - Above us, Osprey
- Robin on a post
- Leaf and River
- Coyote Leads the Salmon up the River
Aluminum sculpture by Richard Beyer, Walla Walla Point Park, Wenatchee WA - The Gander
- It kinda looks like him
Lincoln Rock, opposite Lincoln Rock State Park - Top of the Pine
- King Lamp
King Street (Rail) Station, Seattle - Starry Night
- The cool blue hills of earth