- Night at the Robey
- St. Mary of the Angels
- Sancta Maria Angelorum
- Sancta Maria Angelorum II
- Sunrise on North Avenue
- Spacelift 2018
- Cold morning at Pier 66
- Elliott and Western
- February
- E.L. Bartlett
- 5th Avenue
- Olympic Swimming Pool
- City Hall
- We Are the Walrus
- Under the Dome
- Arctic Club Dome
- All the Dome
- Gibbet
- Baldy
- Kittitas Valley
- Matthew Island
- Headsails
- Imperial Probe Droid on Hoth (Seattle Edition)
- Puget's Gold II
- Puget's Gold
- Zombie (Don the Beachcomber)
- Learning to Crow
- Aqua Tiki
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- New Cone and Old
- Marmot
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Lincoln Rock State Park
- Stevens Pass
- Stevens Pass
- Golden Moment
- Lenny
- Incautious
- Chinatown
- Six thirty four
- Alweg Monorail
- Fountain of Year's End
- Christmaspaceneedle
- I am Seattle (Magenta)
- Carrie Fisher Memorial
- Carrie Fisher Memorial
- Carrie Fisher Memorial
- Carrie Fisher Memorial